Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) and Guides

The following documents may need to be read in conjunction with each other.

Super Savings PDS and guides

Super Savings Product Disclosure Statement for Accumulation AccountSuper Savings Product Disclosure Statement for Income Account and Lifetime PensionSuper Savings Accumulation GuideSuper Savings Insurance Guide

Note that our insurance offering changes from time to time. Different features, benefits and terms may apply to members who joined before the guide's issue date. Contact us for a copy of the Insurance guide that applied when you became a member, and any notifications of insurance changes that we have previously sent you.

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Please note

View recent important updates to be read in conjunction with the PDS.

We also provide a summary of significant event and material change notifications issued to members for the past two years.

Other PDS, guides and information

Young father with baby sitting at table in his home working on his laptop

QSuper PDS and guides

QSuper PDS and guides
If you're a QSuper account holder, download the QSuper PDS and guides, updates, and other important information that applies to you.

Take me to the QSuper site
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Super Savings – Business PDS and guides

Visit Super Savings – Business for the Super Savings Business PDS, guides and other information about Super Savings – Business. For more information on your business plan please visit your employer’s Australian Retirement Trust microsite or contact us.

Young businesswoman with laptop having a meeting with clients

Super Savings – Corporate PDS and guides

For Super Savings – Corporate PDS, guides, updates and other information visit your employer's Super Savings – Corporate microsite or contact us. This includes Super Savings Ex-IAG & NRMA plans.

Target Market Determinations (TMDs)

Australian Retirement Trust is required to provide Target Market Determinations (TMDs) under the Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019. This Act ensures our approach to the design and distribution of our financial products keeps member objectives, individual financial situations and needs in focus.

View the TMDs
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Fund name: Australian Retirement Trust 
Account type: Super Savings 
ABN: 60 905 115 063 
USI: 60 905 115 063 003

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© Australian Retirement Trust. All rights reserved.

Acknowledgement of Country
We want to respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of these lands, seas, and waters throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Elders both past and present. We acknowledge the history, the resilience and the continual contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of their Country.

The information on this website contains general information only. It doesn’t consider your personal objectives, financial situation, or needs. Before making any decisions about ART, you should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determinations (TMD) to consider whether the product is right for you.